Monday, March 22, 2010


Welcome back. Not sure anyone is still reading, cause it has been so long. However you'll see why in the next few posts. We have had a lot of guests and it has been so much fun. First, Kathleen, my stepmom came in early Feb. She was here for 9 days and we had a blast. She was an amazing trooper, as she probably saw the nicest as well as perhaps the worst we have seen!
We have wanted to go to the Caribean side of Costa Rica for a long time and we had heard that Cahuita and Puerto Viejo in the Limon Provence were both nice. We waited for a long time, because we wanted to go when it wasn't rainy. We decided that whenever guests would come we would go to a new place, and we decided that when Kathleen was here, we would try Cahuita. She and Joe went to Arenal the first weekend that she was here and they had a blast. Then we found a great deal in Cahuita, a whole house for $50.00 a night. We thought we were finally found the deal of Costa Rica! It was this little room, with shutters, three bedrooms filled with mosquitoes and holes under the beds. To make matters worse, it rained the whole time, which was a bummer, cause the reason to go to Cahuita is to snorkel. We made the best of it, though, we hung out, read, ate and relaxed, and the thing I remember most was that Kathleen never complained. She was amazing. Here are some pics from that crazy place!
This dog, Osito, who has won over our hearts, is the other reason that you haven't heard much from me. He is so great, loves to run and walk and chase squirrels and to be around us. And he takes up a lot of our time. This is a pic of Natasha and Osito in the finca (farm) behind our house, where we walk a lot.

Kathleen and Dona Ana and I went to San Jose to see the National Theater. We had a great time, and the theater is absolutely beautiful. I hope we can see a performance there before we head home.
Kathleen and I also went on a Coffee tour, and during part of the presentation, they asked for volunteers and Kathleen jumped up and learned how to determine which coffee beans were ready and which weren't. It is an awful photo, but I wanted to put it in cause it was so much fun. The tour was at Cafe Britt, which is owned by the owners of our school, too. They have wonderful coffee, and the tour is quite funny and informative. You can find out more, and order excellent coffee at

These two photos are back in Cahuita. You can see the entirety of the room above. Kathleen did get a great nap in this hammock, until this tiny dog decided to play underneath. One of the great things about this trip to Cahuita was that we all got to get a dose of appreciation for all that we have. Always worth the struggle to get that lesson.

We did go on this beautiful walk in the rainforest in Cahuita, which we both enjoyed a lot.
It is funny, because the next weekend, we had another visitor, our friend Theresa. She and Joe went back to Cahuita and to Puerto Viejo and had a wonderful time. Better weather, hotel and really cool tours. Theresa stayed for a couple of weeks, for a much needed break from winter and stress. She had a bunch of time in the central valley with us, and we went back to the beach for her last weekend. I think we sent her back happier and healthier!